Put Your Worries Aside When Selling an Accident Condition Car in Brisbane – Sell It to A Legitimate Car Buyer in Brisbane
When selling an accident condition car, owners have worries. You could sell the car and if the buyer is not one that is on the up and up you could end up being liable with the buyer claiming that you did not disclose specific information about the car after he purchased the accident condition car. The situation leaves some car owners wondering what to do with their cars. You know that a landfill is out of the question as it is hazardous to the environment and you are an eco-friendly person. Even if you have received a cheque from your insurance company for the cost of repairs for the car that is no reason not to get more cash for the car. Prestige Car Removal of Brisbane will buy the accident condition car and leave you with a top cash offer for the car.
At Prestige Car Removal, you do not have the concerns that you are making a harmful decision for the disposal of your car that would create hazardous toxins released into the environment for years. We are eco-friendly car recyclers and wreckers that get the most value for your car. We get the most value for your car because we don’t dispose of the car. We dispose only of the parts of the car that cannot be reconditioned or recycled.
With us, you have an accident car selling experience that you do not have to be concerned about repercussions after the car is sold. We are legitimate buyers that know you are selling an accident car, and we are buying it for our wreckers to wreck and our recyclers to recycle. With us, you have an accident car sale that leaves you with no hassles and no concerns. Just schedule a free car removal at a time that works with your schedule, and we will arrive with the cash and paperwork to buy your car.
Get A Quote
To obtain a cash quote for your accident car give Prestige Car Removal a call at the number below. We pay top cash to wreck & recycle accident condition cars, putting the payment into your hands instantly. Give us a call or visit our homepage for a top cash offer. Call us for cash for accident car quote at 0423 017 490.